FEATURE - HAPPINESS MACHINE - 24h With Klangforum Wien

Comissoned by Klangforum Wien Jaqueline Kornmüller, Peter Wolf and me developed a mixed media installation including Live Performance, Acting, Music and Photography. It was shown at the Wiener Konzerthaus in Oktober 2019 and part of the “Happiness Machine”

FEATURE @ ORF RADIO Ö1 - 26.10.2019

This is a Radio Broadcast of the Austrian Radio ORF-Radio Ö1 from 26.10.2019 by Anna Soucek about my work as a photographer in China, my special experiences and adventures during my extensive work in Asia and my artistic strategies concerning how to work as a musican and a photographer.


Happiness Machine / Exhibition Setup

Happiness Machine : Music

Video of exhibition setup at Berio Saal, Konzerthaus Wien

Interview with Jaqueline Kornmüller

I talk about some special experiences in China as a photographer and what it means to be a musician and a visual artist at the same time